Tsunami Thailand 11.04.2012 – Earthquake Warning

“Wednesday, 11. April 2012 10.57 Uhr Ein schweres Erdbeben der Stärke 8,9 rocked the Indonesian province of Aceh on the island of Sumatra. According to the Indonesian seismological station on Wednesday a tsunami warning had been issued. The warning applies to the entire Indian Ocean, shares with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.” N-TV Live ticker – http://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Weiteres-Beben-erschuettert-Sumatra-article5995231.html Die Region Phuket und

Tri Trang Beach

Those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the Patong and relatively lonely sun on a lounger under a palm tree, can a beach continue to Tri Trang Beach. Tri Trang Beach is a beach south and by long tail boat for 500bath (12,5€) or take a taxi for about 200-300 To achieve Bath. To Patong's Freedom Beach …

Patong Beach

The Patong Beach is the El Arenal Thailand, 4 Lying in succession a 100bath and annoying fruit sellers and children, the one to beg one of your chains, Sunglasses, Musical Instruments (with whom they play on the beach ) to buy or fruits. The friend of the classic mass tourism, who doesn't pay attention to his money on vacation anyway and likes that …

Thailand's Minibuses

Thailand's minibuses are air-conditioned buses, drive the relative individual routes for individual passengers. They are much smaller than the Thai buses and can accommodate approximately 12 People. Compared to taxis, it is more favorable with the Thai minibus. Thai mini buses are a good means of transport, to get from the airport to the hotel. Lots …

Top Thai Abzocken

Trying, with a so-called tourist rip-off in order to facilitate some extra money the seemingly rich tourist when he would have to pay for the claimed service or goods actually, there is in Thailand in countless places. Basically, the rule applies: If something sounds too good, To be honest, then search for the hook, which often …

Price negotiations in Thailand

Price negotiations in Thailand some care is always in demand. Important: Gets off to negotiate the owner. Note to all women: does not make the mistake of buying immediately on the first day when you see something beautiful. Most shops have the same stuff on offer. And after about a week you know the “right” Prices. And you have to …